Red Circle Mafia ⭕ The Yakuza

The Syndicate takes its roots deep in Japanese samurai tradition. These are men of honor determined to fulfill their role and do the job they are tasked with. Put yourself between a Yakuza and their objective and you’ll quickly learn the meaning of determination, perseverance and honor. These are noble men with righteousness by their side guided by values simple folks have no idea about.

They know the right people to get the gears in motion, they are one of the most prominent groups of the Red Circle Mafia. Carrying out their mission is more important than any other things and that’s why organizations tend to hire them for their ability to execute well planned jobs. These modern samurais live and die by their honour code.

For these modern samurai, honor comes first and they will accomplish their job by any means necessary. They look the part, they have intricate hairstyles, a wide variety of shades, they dabble in bling and they are the only ones who sport kimonos. They are effective honorable men which are easily recognisable by their respect for job and duty.

⭕ If you are a nobleman at soul and both honour and duty are the most important things the Yakuza might be the right mafia for you. It’s time you join the Red Circle Mafia ⭕